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AREA OF LIGHT: 2m2 area of light.
SHADE OF LIGHT: Yellow. Coloured options available.
PLACEMENT: Placed on existing track behind fascia of your stand. You can change the direction of the light.
AREA OF LIGHT: 2.5m2 area of light.
SHADE OF LIGHT: White. Coloured options available.
PLACEMENT: Standard shell lighting for upgrades and custom stands. Track mounted behind fascia. Low power. You can change the direction of the light.
PLACEMENT: Standard shell lighting for upgrades and customs. Small flood light. Ideal for lighting product or a picture on a wall.
AREA OF LIGHT: 1m2 area of light.
PLACEMENT: Standard shell lighting for upgrades and customs. Attached to your wall in any position on your stand. Ideal for lighting pictures or used where low level illumination is required.
AREA OF LIGHT: 3m2 area of light.
SHADE OF LIGHT: Bright white.
PLACEMENT: Ideal for lighting a 3 to 4 metre wall, signage or general stand floor area. Wall mounted.
PLACEMENT: Mainly utilized from the front fascia lighting back into your stand. Can be very hot - better option is 300w on arm due to height advantage to avoid heat.
PLACEMENT: Ideal for lighting from a truss, hanging from the roof of the venue or on a 5m post & base.
Read through our Power & Lighting FAQ for answers