Stand Package

Stand Package



Stand Package - Centraliser 6x3 Inline

Size: 6x3

Hire Package Inclusions:

  • STRUCTURE - 3.5mH Octanorm with in-built cupboard and counter top
  • SIGNAGE (digital prints)
    4 x Opal Acrylic lightbox 1078mm x 2360mm
    1 x 3mm Simona sign 2176mm x 950mm
  • LIGHTING - 1 x Low voltage arm light
  • POWER - 2 x 4amp power outlet
  • FLOORING - 18sqm Raised floor 32mm
  1. 1. Please note package prices may vary pending confirmation of location and dates.
  2. 2. Overhead banner and rigging not included in package, price available on request.
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